Friday, March 16, 2012

Social Media for Community Centres - Part 3

Begin, Observe, Learn, Start Over

You are now convinced of the importance of converting to social media for the good of your organization and have carefully examined your online presence and your team's IT qualifications. You've even started to plot your strategy by mapping out a few main objectives you could attain. Excellent! You are now ready to open profiles on various social media platforms.

1. Start off small.

The social media learning process is one that incessantly repeats itself. For one, there are so many potential applications that there will always be one of its uses that will go unnoticed. Thus, there is always something to learn. Furthermore, the social media universe is in constant motion. Certain sites, such as Facebook, are constantly overhauling their service, which forces users to readjust their practices according to each major change. Not to mention how quickly a new social network can become unavoidable in less than a year. The secret to success in this case is to start off small. Pick two or three tools, tops, as your starting point.

Pick your tools.
Avoid tools that fulfill similar roles. For instance, if you're creating video content, you are not obligated to simultaneously upload on YouTube and Vimeo. While YouTube has more users, which gives you a greater visibility, Vimeo is better equipped to protect intellectual property rights (if these matters are important to you). YouTube will, however, allow you to showcase other users' videos on your own channel, which can allow you to present useful information to brief your target audience.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Social Media for Community Centres - Part 2

Assess & evaluate your stance on social media.

Did our previous blog entry convince you of the importance of using social media to not only show your respondents how to optimize their job hunt, but to raise the profile of your organization via an increased presence on social media? If so, fantastic!

Are you still wondering where to start? Fret not, for this is perfectly normal. The following article will assist you in creating a plan of action that will outline your needs, priorities all the while remaining feasible in terms of your target audience and available resources.

In order to adequately evaluate your social media strategy, it will be imperative you lay out a plan. However, nothing is set in stone, and this outline is not so rigid that it must be completed in its entirety before you start. You must constantly survey your online activity in order to adjust and optimize your strategy as you go along.

A. Assess your online presence.

All stategizing begins with an evaluation of the resources you're currently working with. Before launching a social media campaign for your organization, ask yourself the following questions in order to better assess your online presence:

Are you reaching your clientèle online (including via email)?
Do you have a website?
Do you have a blog?
Do you have social media profiles for your organization (on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, etc)?
Do you own any other online properties?
Is your organization listed on Wikipedia?
Is your organization listed on (Montreal only)?
What are the results when one looks up the name of your organization on search engines such as Google?

As far as social network profiles are concerned, make sure you ask your employees whether the organization already has open, possibly inactive social media accounts. In the eventuality that user names and passwords have been either lost or forgotten, contact the social network in question and ask them to reset your login information.

Once you've done your IT inventory, you should look into whether you are putting the solutions you have already invested in to good use. The first element you should prioritize is the creation or maintenance of a website containing all pertinent, up-to-date contact information. If despite this you are still struggling to turn up in search results, consider starting a Wikipedia page for your organization. However, do make sure you abide by their guidelines when writing an article, particularly when it comes to citing your sources. A blog is also an excellent tool for community organizations. In order to keep your readership interested, try to upload new content at least once a week or risk having people tune out.  

There is also the possibility that you are using the tools at your disposal to the best of your ability, but that these are simply not the right tool for your organization. The most relevant social media in the community sector are, in my opinion: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs and Flickr. If you already have any number of these, you are on the right track.

B. Locate yourself at the heart of your team and in the face of new technology

You also have a few questions to ask yourself pertaining to your human resources:

Who is in charge of maintaining your website, blog, communication and information materials?
Is one of those people comfortable with managing your social media accounts as well?
If not, would any of your colleagues be up to the task of maintaining online profiles of your organization on social media?
Are they willing to undergo training to better acquaint themselves with social media?

An activity you could do with staff that is both fun and instructive is to classify yourselves according to the following list, which contains archetypes of roles and attitudes when confronted with technology:

1. Digital native.
You grew up in a digital environment. You are very comfortable with the usage of online platforms and the adoption of new ones. You also keep up-to-date with recent developments in the digital realm.

2. Savvy technologist.
Without having necessarily been around it your whole life, you are nonetheless comfortable with social online platforms and digital tools. You approach new platforms with caution and let others take the first steps before following suit.

3. Reluctant user.
You are aware of the digital realm and social media but are reticent to engage with them. You do not intend on using these tools more than absolutely required and generally resist incorporating them into your daily life.

4. Digital contrarian.
You are adverse to the digital world. You've probably heard of social networking but think it is but a passing fad. You use emails for work because you have to, and you avoid it in your non-professional life. You'd much rather phone calls.

5. Digital newbie.
Unlike the contrarian, you are not opposed to digital tools but rather lack experience in using them. You get by just fine without them and have no intentions of changing your habits, but are not against it either.

(source: Radian6, )
It is possible some are in between two archetypes or does not identify with any of them, and that's OK. What matters is that you have now raised the pervasive attitudes of your team on technology to the surface, which in turn allows you to determine what course of action to take. For instance, if the person in charge of communication is only comfortable with email and the phone and does not want to update the blog or social media hubs, then perhaps it would be wise to assign those tasks to someone else. If someone in your team identifies with the first or second archetype, they are most likely your best bet.

It is possible that you will have to rely on an intern or wait to have the necessary funds to create a new position, especially if no one in your team is willing to undergo training in order to learn how to manage social media for your organization.

C. Orient towards a social media strategy.

Now that you've assessed your online activity as well as the pervasive attitudes your personnel has towards new technology and social media, you must think about what advantages you wish to draw out of using social media for your organization. Essentially, you must target what matters most to you, as the options are nearly endless.

Define needs and objectives
What are your goals in using social media?
Do you want to render the information concerning your activities and programs more accessible?
Do you want to increase interaction with your clientele or community?
Do you want to reach new demographic segments, such as the youth?
Are you looking to instate a new way of gathering feedback?
Are you looking to increase visibility for your organization?
Do you want to modernize your online presence by making your site more interactive?

Identify your target audience
Which communities, populations and groups of people do you wish to reach?
What is their grasp on new Internet technologies?
Which social media outlets are they msot active on?

P.S. In the eventuality that your center offers social media training to their participants, such as the Networking 2.0 project, it would be relevant to have an online presence on every social network you offer training for.

In order to reach your clientele, you must know on which social networks they dwell. Ask your users what their Internet habits are. Many are probably already on Facebook and are familiar with YouTube. If you are actively promoting a cause or issue, a timely, well-constructed YouTube video may increase your visibility enormously and effectively raise awareness of its viewers. If you work in the employment sector, Twitter is one of the best means for you to share job offers with your participants. If you work out of a multicultural center in which many languages are spoken, using photo (Flickr) and video (YouTube) material to get the message out becomes much more effective than simple text (i.e. blogging), upon which you could use your blog, Facebook page and Twitter feed to promote your media content and make them more accessible.

It is not mandatory to know everything in advance. Develop a couple of key objectives for your social media strategy by consulting your team first, later by delegating that task to the person responsible for managing your online presence. Once that's done, you'll be ready for action!

For more:
Part Three

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Social Media for Community Centres - Part 1

We are but a few months away from the end of an extremely active and prolific year for the Networking 2.0 project! We have already trained hundreds of employment counsellors and almost as many job seekers. However, we still have many centres to go before all job seekers in the Montreal area have equal access to the necessary resources in order to learn how to use social media in a professional setting. Therefore, I will make a shameless plug and advise you take part in one of our free seminars if you haven’t already done so. You already know how to contact us.

 However, if you’ve already followed one of our Networking 2.0 trainings, whether in your centre or elsewhere, you will have heard us explain and demonstrate the many uses of social media for job seekers. Since our public is observant, in almost every centre we visited we were asked whether the organization should add their own social media accounts to their arsenal. The answer was almost invariably the same:
“We encourage you to create a social media presence for your organization. However, our training is primarily concerned with services and competencies that are to be transmitted to immigrant job seekers first and foremost. That being said, there are many online resources pertaining to corporate use of social media, including NGOs.”
 We will now outline the reasons why we believe your participants, personnel and organization can benefit enormously from a social media presence.

 Part One

Why You Should Consider Organizational Use Of Social Media 

We have outlined eight reasons for you to be active on social media:

1) Tools at an affordable cost.

 Social media can implement quickly and for free what would require a lot more resources if one were to go about it by other means. Notably, one can use it for event planning, communications, file sharing, public relations, marketing, heightened visibility for the organization, etc.

 2) User rewards.

 By utilizing social media to reach your community in terms of job offers or upcoming events, you are providing an important, free resource to your participants as well as the community at large, thus giving them yet another reason to join the social media wave. Subsequently, you would be able to offer continuing support to their development in class as well as on the network through this new communication channel.

 3) Two birds, one stone.

 If centre personnel has come into awareness or is already active on social media, either to show your participants how to utilize them professionally (i.e. our training program) or to create an organizational account (as shown in our blog posts), you will have already invested the necessary time and effort into learning social media and are but a few steps away from tapping into its many other benefits. Teaching your participants how to use them and putting them to use for your organization are two applications for the same skill which go hand-in-hand.

4) Effective integration.

 The degree of interaction one can attain through social media in our day is impossible to replicate without using these tools. You can easily trade information and strategies with other community centres or round tables, better redirect the populace towards the services they need most and will witness the arrival of people who discovered your centre via social media. Additionally, you will be able to gather feedback pertaining to the strengths or weaknesses of your services.

5) Recruit collaborators.

 Many other community centres, social movements, independent publications, even employers are on social media. These organizations are potential collaborators you would increase your visibility to, who you would also be able to better get acquainted with by this intermediary. Take advantage of this space to express the convictions of your organization. This could potentially lead to interesting collaborative efforts.

 6) Be where they are looking for you.

 People on social media love, with good reason, those free resources that empower its users, as well as unbridled access to information. They are seeking out services and job prospects on social media. They expect friends and contacts to refer the centres they had a positive experience with. If you are being looked up on social media but cannot be found, you are missing out on the occasion to serve a clientele that wants to use your services but cannot find you, therefore they cannot recommend you to their network.

7) Develop customer loyalty.

 If you are present and active on social media, people will not require a membership to your centre or your website to make use of your services. You are ensuring their access to information, a direct means of communication and follow-up with users. By developing customer loyalty through social media tools, you can make it so they continue using your resources after they’ve left your centre and have them speak of you to potential clientele.

 8) Render teamwork more efficient.

 Accelerate information sharing at the heart of your team, make evident the benefits of project collaboration, simplify group communication and reduce internal email by up to 50%! (Source, a StopThinkSocial PowerPoint presentation).

Click here for Part Two.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Self-Promotion, Personal Branding, Professional Image and E-Reputation

Are unsure of how to showcase your competencies or accomplishments?

Is it hard for prospective employers to notice the value in your work experience abroad?

Are you looking to launch a career as an autonomous worker, consultant or artist, but have yet to develop the necessary network of contacts?

Is nobody contacting you for your services due to a lack of Internet presence?

Perhaps you are ready for the concept of  Personal Branding, the creation of a self-image. So what exactly is personal branding?

Personal branding is, for some people, a description of the process whereby people and their careers are marked as brands. It has been noted that while previous self-help management techniques were about self-improvement, the personal branding concept suggests instead that success comes from self-packaging. Further defined as the creation of an asset that pertains to a particular person or individual; this includes but is not limited to the body, clothing, appearance and knowledge contained within, leading to an indelible impression that is uniquely distinguishable.

Personal branding has continued to gain in popularity as a tool to manage reputation online, especially through social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

(source: Wikipedia)
Some dislike the words 'branding' or 'brand', as their origins in marketing and business strategy may leave the impression of reducing individuals to mere objects.If that is case, you may refer to it in broader terms: self-promotion, professional image, e-reputation, electronic or online reputation, to name a few.

In any event, your image on the Internet is closely related to the more visible elements of your online activity: the sites you contribute to, your profile names and photos, the things you mention in your bio, etc. You must showcase what you perceive to be your best attributes in order to increase your potential employability.

You will find many suggestions enclosed in this document. You are not obligated to try all of them. In fact, it may even be counter-productive to have a presence on sites that mirror one another too closely, like Quora and Focus, or Vimeo and YouTube. Try to identify which sites correspond the most to your needs and willingness to engage in each respective social network. That being said, doing nothing is seldom an option that will help you attain the desired objective; in this case, a job.

1. Start a blog or personal website.
One of the most effective ways for you to assert your competencies and online activity is by creating a blog ( or a personal site ( If you are not comfortable with adding original content, you can  use it for SEO (Search-Engine Optimization) purposes in order to increase your visibility and to redirect people towards your other online hubs.

You will have to do some site optimization to ensure your page is easily indexed by the various search engines out there. While this all may seem a bit technical, most blogging platforms (Blogger, Tumblr, Wordpress, etc.) offer step-by-step instructions on how to proceed.

You should, at the very least, use your site as a landing page to redirect folks to your other online accounts, be it on LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, etc. One such example would be the page.

2. Open a LinkedIn account.
A great way to show your understanding of current labor market standards and procedures as well as display your seriousness and professionalism is by creating a LinkedIn account. You can simultaneously increase online visibility, look at what factors go into play when professionals in your sector are hired and get a glimpse at what your portfolio or resume may be missing.Pay special attention to vocabulary, particularly the terms used in job descriptions, work experience and requisites. Recruiters are accustomed to having previous work-related experience presented to them in a certain fashion. For instance, someone who works in IT must specify which programming languages or software he is familiar with.

3. Showcase your prior accomplishments.
While LinkedIn is an excellent tool to increase online visibility, it is too limited a space to raise the profile of your acomplishments, artistic or otherwise. Depending on your sector, there are specialized social networks that are field-appropriate. For instance, if you are into performing arts you should consider uploading a few video segments onto a YouTube or Vimeo account. Teachers can look into Slideshare , a social network dedicated to PowerPoint presentations. Visual artists are best served on sites like DeviantArt, Flickr or even Facebook. Musicians looking to put up their music should do so on MySpace, SoundCloud or BandCamp.

What matters most is not whether you're on every social network, but whether you're on the ones best suited to showcase your expertise to the right people, which in turn ensures visibility and a quality online reputation.

4. Assert your expertise.

If you are knowledgeable in a given subject, video editing or finance for instance, then you have a degree of expertise you can share with other online citizens. There are over six billion people on the planet, many of whom have Internet access: certainly others will be interested in finding out what you already know. Furthermore, if the topic is related to your professional field, then asserting your expertise online is one of the best ways to improve your online visibility and reputation, which in turn can prove quite beneficial when it comes to networking or job searching.

There are many sites to choose from where you can showcase your expertise. Certain social networks are centered around the notion of asking questions and giving answers. Anyone with a query on any given subject will turn to a group of their peers who are experts in their field in order to find a solution. It is in such a public arena that you could have a chance to demonstrate your own degree of expertise in front of people who will acknowledge the quality of your contributions. Without a doubt, the most well-known of these sites is Quora, but you may just as well chip in on Yahoo! Answers, Focus or Ask. If you already have a LinkedIn account, you will also have access to LinkedIn Answers.

The formula for most of these sites is relatively simple: create a profile, name your topics of interest (either based on expertise or personal curiosity) and start answering questions you know the answers to, or start asking questions of your own. It's that easy!

5. Use this opportunity to grow as a professional.

You are under no obligation to use these services to strictly broadcast your experience. You'll discover there are many things you just don't know, even in your area of expertise, and especially in related fields. When one is job-hunting, one tends to have a bit more free time than when one is employed, but one won't necessarily land a job by simply sending out resumes on a full-time basis, even if one had the resolve to do so.

Make the most of this occasion to heighten your degree of expertise, your knowledge and your level of familiarity with certain work-related notions. When you don't know something, ask about it. When you notice others successfully self-promoting themselves, observe them and learn from their example. If you want to know more about a given topic, ask a question on one of the aforementioned social media outlets, or consult Wikipedia, About, maybe even a message board. Once you are so active online, you will be showing your network and subsequently potential employers that you are capable of learning new things how adaptable you are to the reality of the day. That, in and of itself, is an important hiring criterium, and counts for more than you would expect.